Notice is given of a Fairlie Community Board Meeting to be held on:



Thursday, 14 March 2019




Council Chambers







Fairlie Community Board Meeting


14 March 2019




Suzette van Aswegen

Chief Executive Officer


Fairlie Community Board Membership:  

Les Blacklock (Chairperson)

Carolyn Coakley

Pauline Jackson

Damon Smith

Chris Clarke


Fairlie Community Board Meeting Agenda                                               14 March 2019

Order Of Business

1         Opening. 5

2         Apologies. 5

3         Public Forum.. 5

4         Declarations Of Interest 5

5         Reports. 6

5.1            Minutes of Fairlie Community Board Meeting - 31 January 2019. 6

5.2            Fairlie Community Board Matters Under Action. 12

5.3            Fairlie Community Board Financial Report 14

5.4            General Business. 23

5.5            Ward Members Report/ Report From Members of the Board. 24

5.6            Minutes from Other Community Boards. 25


1            Opening

2            Apologies

3            Public Forum

4            Declarations Of Interest

Fairlie Community Board Meeting Agenda                                               14 March 2019

5            Reports

5.1         Minutes of Fairlie Community Board Meeting - 31 January 2019

File Reference:        PAD

Author:                    Charlotte Borrell, Committee Administrator

Authoriser:              Toni Morrison, Group Manager Projects and Administration

Attachments:          1.       Minutes of Fairlie Community Board Meeting - 31 January 2019   



1.      That the Minutes of the Fairlie Community Board Meeting held on Thursday 31 January 2019 be received and adopted as a true and accurate record of the meeting.



Fairlie Community Board Meeting Minutes                                            31 January 2019








Fairlie Community Board Meeting


31 January 2019



MINUTES OF Mackenzie District Council
Fairlie Community Board Meeting
Council Chambers, Fairlie
Thursday, 31 January 2019 AT 4.30pm


PRESENT:                 Mr Les Blacklock (Chairperson), Ms Carolyn Coakley (Community Board Member), Mrs Pauline Jackson (Community Board Member), Mr Damon Smith (Community Board Member)

IN ATTENDANCE:    Suzette van Aswegen (Chief Executive), Garth Nixon (Group manager Community Facilities), Karina Morrow (Group Manager Regulations), Charlotte Borrell (Committee Administrator), Arlene Goss (Committee Administrator), Anne Thomson (Fairlie Heartlands)


1            Opening

The chairman welcomed everyone and opened the meeting.


2       Apology

Committee Recommendation  

Moved:      Ms Carolyn Coakley

Seconded:  Mr Les Blacklock (Chairperson)

That the apology received from Mayor Graham Smith be accepted and leave of absence granted.


3         Public Forum

Anne Thomson (from Fairlie Heartlands) brought a number of matters to the attention of the board. These included:

·       The new cemetery pathway

·       Rubbish/recycling bins and their signage.

·       Reconsider the 2009 parking plan, especially in relation to Talbot Street

·       Cigarette butt receptacles at public toilets

·       Yellow crossing strip lifting off road on Main Street

·       Rubbish needing to be picked up more often in the town centre

·       Mackenzie Community Centre Hand rails required, removal of cigarette butt receptacle in courtyard

·       Village green signage around dogs and no smoking area.

Otherwise the town is looking lovely.

Anne Thomson left the meeting 4.39pm

A copy of her letter is attached to these minutes.



1     Anne Thomson Letter Fairlie Community Board Meeting 31-1-19


3            Declarations Of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

4            Reports

5.1         Minutes of Fairlie Community Board Meeting - 6 December 2018

Committee Resolution  FCB/2019/99

Moved:      Mrs Pauline Jackson

Seconded:  Ms Carolyn Coakley

1. That the Minutes of the Fairlie Community Board Meeting held on Thursday 6 December 2018 be received and adopted as a true and accurate record of the meeting.




5.2         Fairlie Community Board Matters Under Action


Village Green Bins - Mr Garth Nixon stated the labels on the bins in the Village Green need refreshing for rubbish, recycling. Twizel have new bins. Fairlie could look at those in future. Council needs to look at litter as a whole, how much do we do and make a plan for the future. Add to matters under action.

The Chief Executive suggested that the board make a resolution asking Council to investigate the litter problem. No resolution was passed.

Dog signs on Village Green - The Board would like dog signs up on village green as soon as possible. It is currently a leash only area but the bylaw is up for review this year, changes can be made then.

Mobile Traders - The board discussed a mobile traders workshop with Mrs Morrow. This would be held before the next board meeting.

Frisbee Golf Course - Ongoing

Walkway to Cemetery - Mr Nixon said Whitestone will be doing this at the end of February.

Footpath from public toilet along Main Street to the carpark - Mr Nixon is costing paving for the path as opposed to concrete to which oak tree roots would cause future issues. The Community Board would like this in before bad weather.

Hexagonal seat – Mr Nixon to progress this.

Extension of the Village Green playground – The Board is considering squaring it up, adding more equipment in consultation with local families. Mr Nixon to cost some items for the board, he will provide some options the board can pass on to the public.  He suggested the board may be able to apply for funding up to 20K for the playground.


5.2.1      General Business

The Board discussed Anne’s comments regarding necessity of the pathway to the cemetery. They are happy with that path being created.

Grey St parking. This has created a bus lane and additional car parks. The council completed what was viable at time. The board would like to revisit the plan. It was suggested paid toilets for the buses as that’s all they stop in Fairlie for. Mr Nixon stated pay toilets are a council decision, but parking is something for the community board to look at. Mr Nixon will the get plan out so the board can look at it.

The board asked if Whitestone are completing the same amount of street cleaning as previously? Mr Nixon clarified the contract does not include streets, and he will investigate and inform the Board what is covered in the contract.

Yellow crossing strip lifting off road on Main Street. Mr Nixon will pass information onto NZTA.

Making the Village Green non-smoking was queried by the board. Smokefree NZ want open spaces smoke free from councils. Enforcing this would need a bylaw.

Mr Nixon stated Mackenzie Community Centre handrails will be replaced. It is being completed in the operational maintenance of the community centre.

Additional Village Green signage needed. Playground signage, smoking, rubbish, dogs must be leashed. Mr Nixon to arrange signs to be put up. 

The Chief Executive thanked the community board for contributing to the organisational review. She explained the process and timeline moving forward. The board said they appreciated being involved.



5.3         Fairlie Community Board Financial Report

For the Fairlie Community Board to note the financial performance of the Fairlie Community as a whole.

Committee Resolution  FCB/2019/100

Moved:      Mr Damon Smith

Seconded:  Ms Carolyn Coakley

1.      That the report be received.




5.4         Ward Members Report/ Report From Members of the Board

There was no ward members report.



5.5         Minutes from Other Community Boards

The minutes were noted.


The Meeting closed at 5.20pm.


The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Fairlie Community Board Meeting held on 14 March 2019.






Fairlie Community Board Meeting Agenda                                               14 March 2019

5.2         Fairlie Community Board Matters Under Action

File Reference:        PAD

Author:                    Charlotte Borrell, Committee Administrator

Authoriser:              Toni Morrison, Group Manager Projects and Administration

Attachments:          Nil


Staff Recommendations

That the information be noted.



Target Date


Actioned Required By



Regent Street: Resolution passed on March 15, 2018 - That the Fairlie Community board recommends to Council to review its decision on the sealing of Regent Street up to Bank Street. Council is waiting for the township traffic strategies to be completed. No money in current budget for this work. Mayor believes it will happen within the next two years.




Gray Street: The roading manager has been asked to re-paint parking lines with a different configuration. Yellow lines to be removed. Replace angle parking with parallel parking. Mr Nixon has initiated discussions regarding access between Grey Street and Main Road. Kieran Guiney happy to facilitate formal access.




War Memorial Maintenance: Plastering and tiles to be completed.




Fairlie Water Main Renewal: Work ongoing.




Abley Transportation Strategy: Transportation strategy is on hold awaiting strategic planning exercise.




Street Lighting: Roading manager is seeking prices for bollards in Fairlie and Tekapo.




Rubbish bins near picnic tables on the Village Green: A new rubbish bin is being trialled in this area. New signage is coming.




Cars parked outside garage on Princes Street: This may have been resolved. 30 minute sign taken down and cars are parking further up Regent Street.




New security cameras in Fairlie: Council staff are working on a new policy for the use of cameras.




Rating System: Resolution passed on April 26, 2018, “That The Fairlie Community Board recommends that Council reviews the rating system for Fairlie amenities, in particular the split between town and rural.” The chief executive reported there will be a rating review.




Problem dogs: In response to a letter from Roseann Woolley regarding dog faeces, two new signs will be erected on the Village Green. Signage is under review.

Mrs Morrow



Idea for a dog park in Fairlie: An area has been suggested on the southeast side of the Allandale Bridge. Mr Nixon checking that this is a project for the year.

Mr Nixon



Designated Area in Fairlie for Mobile Traders: To be updated.




Wi-Fi for Fairlie Main Street: Cr Clarke investigating this with Amuri Net who provide Wi-Fi for Hurunui District Council.




Overgrown gardens in the Domain: Mr Nixon to investigate gardens that are overgrown and not watered.

Mr Nixon



Frisbee Golf Course: Community board asked for one frisbee hole near the playground to see how it goes.




Walkway to the Cemetery: Complete




Footpath from public toilet along Main Street to the carpark: The board would like this path sealed.




Hexagonal seat around tree on Talbot Road: Mr Nixon offered to look into this.

Mr Nixon












Suzette van Aswegen

Chief Executive Officer


Fairlie Community Board Meeting Agenda                                               14 March 2019

5.3         Fairlie Community Board Financial Report

File Reference:        FIN

Author:                    Paul Morris, Group Manager Finance

Authoriser:              Suzette van Aswegen, Chief Executive Officer

Attachments:          1.       Fairlie CB report  


Purpose of Report

For the Fairlie Community Board to note the financial performance of the Fairlie Community as a whole.


Staff Recommendations

1.      That the report be received.



The financial report for the Community Board for the period ended January 2019, the purpose of which is to update Board members on the financial performance of the Fairlie Community as a whole for that period.


Suzette van Aswegen

Chief Executive Officer


Fairlie Community Board Meeting Agenda                                               14 March 2019









Fairlie Community Board Meeting Agenda                                               14 March 2019

5.4         General Business

File Reference:        NA

Author:                    Charlotte Borrell, Committee Administrator

Authoriser:              Toni Morrison, Group Manager Projects and Administration

Attachments:          Nil


Staff Recommendations

That the information be noted.



The chair and members of the board have asked to discuss the following matters:




















Suzette van Aswegen

Chief Executive Officer


Fairlie Community Board Meeting Agenda                                               14 March 2019

5.5         Ward Members Report/ Report From Members of the Board

File Reference:        PAD

Author:                    Charlotte Borrell, Committee Administrator

Authoriser:              Toni Morrison, Group Manager Projects and Administration

Attachments:          Nil


Staff Recommendations

That the information be noted.



1.   Cr Clarke will provide a verbal report regarding recent Council business that has occurred since the last Community Board meeting for members’ information.

2.   Reports from members who represent the Board on other Committees.


Suzette van Aswegen

Chief Executive Officer


Fairlie Community Board Meeting Agenda                                               14 March 2019

5.6         Minutes from Other Community Boards

File Reference:        PAD

Author:                    Charlotte Borrell, Committee Administrator

Authoriser:              Toni Morrison, Group Manager Projects and Administration

Attachments:          1.       Minutes of the Tekapo CB Jan 30

2.      Minutes of the Twizel CB Jan 28  


Staff Recommendations

1.   That the minutes be noted.

         Attached are the minutes of the most recent meetings of the other two community boards in the Mackenzie District. They are attached for your information. Please note that these minutes have not yet been confirmed as accurate at the next meeting of the board.







Suzette van Aswegen

Chief Executive Officer


Fairlie Community Board Meeting Agenda                                               14 March 2019






Fairlie Community Board Meeting Agenda                                               14 March 2019