Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes 30 January 2024
OF Mackenzie District
Council Meeting
Chambers, Fairlie
ON Tuesday, 30
January 2024 AT 9.00am
PRESENT: Mayor Anne Munro, Deputy Mayor Karen Morgan (online), Cr Murray Cox, Cr Kerry Bellringer, Cr Scott Aronsen, Cr Phillipa Guerin, Cr Rit Fisher, Cr Matt Murphy
IN ATTENDANCE: Angela Oosthuizen (Chief Executive), Alexis Kereikeepa (General Manager, People, Customer and Cultural Relationships), David Adamson (General Manager Operational, Planning and Regulatory Services), Murray Dickson (General Manager Strategic, Financial Management and Commercial Services), Chris Clarke (General Manager, Information, Engagement and Community Development, Arlene Goss (Governance Advisor - online), Isaac Ryall (IT support), and three members of the public.
The Mayor opened the meeting with a karakia.
There were no apologies.
3 Public Forum
Stephen Dickson from Twizel asked why there were restrictions on water use in Twizel. They Mayor called on David Adamson to answer the question. Mr Adamson explained that the town had a resource consent to take a set amount of water and it was at the top end of the amount allowed. He said restrictions would be in place until demand reduced.
He said council was increasing the capacity of the pipes and had invested $4 million into water infrastructure in Twizel. Water needed to be used responsibly. More information on this was available in writing.
The Mayor explained the resource consent process and how that consent was held by Environment Canterbury.
Mr Dickson also raised the issue of the intersection between the main highway and Mount Cook Road. He was concerned about recent near misses and asked the council to write a letter to NZTA to raise this and call for action on this intersection.
He also called for more rabbit control on council land. Mr Adamson saw the need for a collective approach from landowners.
The Mayor thanked Mr Dickson for travelling from Twizel to present his views in the public forum.
There were no declarations of interest.
Gillian OLSEN-WILLS, of Twizel
Passed peacefully at home on December 27, 2023 surrounded by close family. Dearly loved wife and best friend of Warren, much loved mum of Shaun and Erica. She was a former customer services officer who worked for council in Twizel.
Edward GALLEN, of Fairlie.
Passed away on Friday, 12th January, aged 85. Loved son of the late John and Margaret, loved brother of Mary and Rita.
Violet FINNIE, mother of Jan and Noel Macpherson of Fairlie.
Passed away surrounded by family at Waihi Lodge, Geraldine on Thursday, January 11, in her 94th year. Wife of the late Ivan for 70 years.
Trevor EDMONSTON, of Fairlie
Passed away after a brief illness, on January 3, at Hospice South Canterbury. Aged 74. Partner of Jane Gale. Treasured father of Greg and Bridgit Knowles, and Anna and Leighton McRitchie.
Jennifer WEASTELL, of Twizel
Passed suddenly at home in Twizel on January 2. Dearly loved wife of the late Jim (Irvine). Mother, friend and nana to Sandra and Glenn, Kim and Warren, Steven, Thomas; Jess, and Nathan.
The Mayor asked for questions on her report. Cr Aronsen asked about discussions with Twizel Area School. The chief executive said the use of the sports fields was discussed. The school said the fields would be needed for future growth, and they would communicate with the public on this matter. Council would now consider an option to relocate the sports fields when considering the Long Term Plan. Further discussion took place on Tekapo being the sunniest town in New Zealand and the response from other councils to this. |
Resolution 2024/2 Moved: Cr Phillipa Guerin Seconded: Cr Kerry Bellringer Carried |
The Mayor noted the challenges of Long Term Plan budgeting. The chief executive thanked Chris Clarke for acting in her role while she was on leave. Regarding three waters, the chief executive’s forum discussed this at a meeting yesterday and the Canterbury chief executives were talking to central government on this matter. Most councils in Canterbury were facing extremely high rate rises and were in a similar position to Mackenzie. There would be a media release from the chief executives forum regarding this. The chief executive said there was at least another month’s work needed to get costs down at Mackenzie. AuditNZ was moving their audit of the MDC budget out two weeks, to March 25. Cr Morgan asked for clarification about the statement to relocate sports fields to Manmade Hill. This was actually “in the vicinity of Manmade Hill” and maps had been drawn up after public consultation last year. Cr Cox raised the expectations of the community regarding the need for council’s community services. Cr Fisher asked about district plan submissions. Mr Adamson offered to find out how many submissions had been received. These submissions would go on the council website within the next week. The Mayor noted there were 500 more visitors to the Twizel office over the Christmas period than for the same time the previous year. The Twizel staff had been very busy. Health and Safety results were pleasing. |
Resolution 2024/3 Moved: Cr Murray Cox Seconded: Cr Kerry Bellringer 1. That the report be received. Carried |
The Mayor asked if the completed actions would be removed from the list. Yes. Further work was needed on council grants and the chief executive said this was something she would raise with staff. Meridian Agreement – Mr Adamson had approached Meridian and this agreement was still in a state of flux. The Mayor asked for this action to be completed by the next council meeting. Lyford Lane Sewage upgrade – An onsite meeting has been held with residents. Council was progressing the wastewater part of the project and needed to talk about easements across private property. Everyone was in agreement except one resident. This work would continue. Cr Aronsen asked why water and sewage couldn’t be laid in a trench at the same time. They would not be laid in a trench because they were small pipes. Each would be fed through the ground separately, so there was no efficiency in doing both at the same time. The residents would need to reach agreement on water and pay for it, as per the rules regarding subdivision development. |
The purpose of this report was for Council to consider adopting a new policy that opens elected member workshops to public attendance. The chief executive has asked to make this change start in March to allow for staff training and software changes. Cr Rit Fisher asked about public excluded matters. Could a workshop go into public excluded with no warning? Yes, but it would make more sense to notify the public in advance so they did not turn up and be excluded. Cr Cox did not agree with making workshops public as it added a cost to council and did not add to transparency. He was opposed to the principle. The chief executive believed it did add to transparency. She said she was not adding resources, but reallocating resources in order to adopt this policy. No increasing costs would be incurred. |
Resolution 2024/4 Moved: Cr Kerry Bellringer Seconded: Cr Matt Murphy 1. That the report be received. Carried |
Resolution 2024/5 Moved: Cr Matt Murphy Seconded: Cr Kerry Bellringer 2. That Council adopts the draft Workshops Policy as attached to the agenda. Carried |
Resolution 2024/6 Moved: Cr Matt Murphy Seconded: Cr Scott Aronsen 3. That Council agrees to give effect to this policy from 1 March 2023 as Council is transitioning to a new Governance information system for agenda preparation which will be used for dissemination of agenda and documents. Carried |
Resolution 2024/7 Moved: Cr Murray Cox Seconded: Cr Kerry Bellringer 1. That the report be received. Carried |
Resolution 2024/8 Moved: Cr Scott Aronsen Seconded: Cr Kerry Bellringer 2. That Council approves the project to upgrade the Fairlie septic waste disposal facility to introduce campervan septic waste disposal and improve safety for commercial operators, using council land at Talbot Road. Carried |
Resolution 2024/9 Moved: Mayor Anne Munro Seconded: Cr Kerry Bellringer 3. That Council notes the importance of communicating this resolution to the community. 4. That Council supports the recommendation from the Fairlie Community Board that traffic flow and the amount of waste treated be monitored. Carried |
The purpose of this report was to update the council on matters related to the engineering activities across 3 waters services, transportation, and land development. The Mayor asked for some numbers around the Fairlie Water Treatment plant budget. The chief executive asked staff to include in information papers, for large projects, information about the budget verses the spend, and whether they were green, orange or red. Cr Aronsen asked about water meter findings in Twizel. The utilities manager, Geoff Horler, said there were several properties with major leaks picked up by the new water meters. The property owners were very grateful to be informed about the leaks. Other properties did not have leaks and were just using a lot of water. |
Resolution 2024/10 Moved: Cr Phillipa Guerin Seconded: Cr Matt Murphy 1. That the report be received. Carried |
Cr Fisher was concerned that the airport working group hadn’t met, and he thought opportunities might be missed if it didn’t happen soon. The Mayor said the airport manager’s report was very detailed and helpful. The chief executive asked for understanding and some grace to get the LTP done, after which the airport committee would be established. Cr Murphy was encouraged to see the increase in aircraft movements at the airport. With some innovation and further input, the costs of running the airport could be reduced which would be of benefit to the ratepayer. Cr Guerin asked whether an annual landing fee would be more efficient. Murray Dickson said these fees were being reconsidered. There may also be some personnel changes coming up due to personal circumstances. Cr Aronsen said the biggest problem at the airport was the wilding pines. Mr Dickson said there was a plan for airport users to address wilding pines, coming up. |
The meeting adjourned for morning tea at 10.33am and reconvened at 10.40am.
7.7 Information Report - Building Control Authority Monthly Reports to December 2023 |
Cr Guerin asked about the building inspections that had failed. She was concerned that builders were asking for inspections too soon and this was creating unnecessary administration costs. David Adamson said in many cases failed inspections were due to paperwork being incomplete. In this case builders were able to continue working, but still needed to supply the paperwork. There was a plan to separate out these failures and report on them separately. The Mayor asked about the Go Get programme. Would this be upgraded or replaced? Replaced. Chris Clarke provided an update on the situation with the building department software, which was meeting the end of its life and would no longer be supported. He then answered questions about the life of various software products. A question was asked about conflicts of interest in terms of building inspections. The Mayor suggested a short explanation be included in reports going forward. Mr Adamson explained the process regarding earthquake-prone buildings. Staff were catching up on these. |
Resolution 2024/11 Moved: Cr Kerry Bellringer Seconded: Cr Rit Fisher That the reports on Councils Building Control Authority for October, November and December 2023 be received and noted. Carried |
The Mayor took this report as read. There was some discussion about the correct naming of Sandy Cutting and Whisky Cutting. |
8 Community Board Recommendations
8.1 Minutes of Fairlie Community Board Meeting - 14 December 2023 |
Resolution 2024/12 Moved: Cr Kerry Bellringer Seconded: Cr Murray Cox 1. That the Minutes of the Fairlie Community Board Meeting held on Thursday 14 December 2023 be received. 2. That Council notes the following resolutions passed by the Fairlie Community Board: a) That a grant of $250 be approved to the Mackenzie Heritage Museum towards the promotion of the new Hamilton Jet display. b) That a grant of $250 be approved to the Mackenzie Heritage Museum towards the event “Christmas at the Museum”. c) That a grant of $250 be approved to the Mackenzie Heritage Museum towards the cost of advertising the museum’s New Year’s Day parade. d) That a grant of $250 be approved to the Mackenzie Community Enhancement Board towards the purchase of a ten foot Christmas tree. e) That a grant of $250 be approved to the Mackenzie District Local History Archive towards the purchase of a reconditioned laptop. 3. That the Fairlie Community Board requests that Council receives its priorities and incorporates them into the 2024 Long Term Plan, with an amendment to remove the $200,000 cost listed against the Stonleigh Reserve project. 4. That the Fairlie Community Board recommends to Council that the preferred Fairlie Septic Sewage reception facility be located on the wastewater site already owned by Council with the condition that monitoring is carried out and the results are reported back to the community board six monthly over a two year period. 5. That the community board approves spending $7,565 from the Community Board’s Township Projects Budget to purchase two new picnic tables and one seat. And also the additional costs to refurbish three existing picnic tables at Denmark Street and one in Albury. 6. That the Fairlie Community Board agrees to buy an A6 stainless steel plaque for the new dog park to recognise former chairman Les Blacklock, at a cost of $140. 7. That the Fairlie Community Board recommends to Council that the revised design for the Fairlie Toilets be approved. Carried |
8.2 Minutes of Twizel Community Board Meeting - 30 October 2023 |
Resolution 2024/13 Moved: Cr Kerry Bellringer Seconded: Cr Rit Fisher 1. That the Minutes of the Twizel Community Board Meeting held on Monday 30 October 2023 be received. No resolutions were passed by the community board at this meeting. Carried |
8.3 Minutes of Tekapo Community Board Meeting - 27 November 2023 |
Resolution 2024/14 Moved: Cr Matt Murphy Seconded: Cr Kerry Bellringer 1. That the Minutes of the Tekapo Community Board Meeting held on Monday 27 November 2023 be received. 2. That Council notes the following resolution passed by the Tekapo Community Board: a) That the That the Tekapo Community Board approves the request from the Mackenzie County Scholarship Trust Board for $1,000 towards a student scholarship, and requests reimbursement from Council. b) That the Tekapo Community Board approves funding the request from the Tekapo Promotions and Business Association to the amount of $2,475, towards the Lake Tekapo Sculpture Walk. c) That the Tekapo Promotions and Business Association is asked to report back to the community board on how the money was spent and the benefits to the community, and that the community board is mentioned as a sponsor of the event. d) That the Tekapo Community Board recommends to council that staff move ahead with tendering for a toilet and shelter at the start of the Alps2Ocean trail at Hamilton Drive, in line with the concept plan that has been attached to the community board agenda. Carried |
Cr Aronsen said a “Mr Allen” called him about Greta Lodge. The issue was that Mr Allen believed Greta Lodge was part of his lease, whereas Council records showed it wasn’t. There appeared to be confusion, possibly caused by the tenure review process. Mr Adamson has been speaking to Mr Allen.
Cr Morgan asked about the Fairlie community board minutes, in particular the Fairlie Museum requesting more than one grant per year. Her belief was that groups could only apply for one grant per year. The Governance Advisor said she had advised people they could make as many grant requests as they wished, but the community board might not grant them. The Governance Advisor noted this would be clarified on the website.
There was further discussion on the Greta Lodge situation.
The Mayor asked for matters raised by the public with councillors to be put in writing so they could be actioned. She also asked for the Greta Lodge situation to be added to the action list.
8.4 Minutes of Audit and Risk Committee Meeting - 12 December 2023 |
Resolution 2024/15 Moved: Cr Phillipa Guerin Seconded: Cr Murray Cox 1. That the Minutes of the Audit and Risk Committee Meeting held on Tuesday 12 December 2023 be received. Carried |
Resolution 2024/16 Moved: Cr Kerry Bellringer Seconded: Cr Murray Cox That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 28 November 2023 be received and confirmed as an accurate record of the meeting. Carried |
Resolution 2024/17 Moved: Cr Phillipa Guerin Seconded: Cr Kerry Bellringer That the Minutes of the Freedom Camping Bylaw Hearing held on Tuesday 21 November 2023 be received and confirmed as an accurate record of the meeting. Carried |
The Mayor asked about an action related to the Aoraki Foundation. The Mayor asked to add an action to the action list regarding the review of council grants. |
Resolution 2024/18 Moved: Cr Murray Cox Seconded: Cr Rit Fisher That the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Tuesday 12 December 2023 be received and confirmed as an accurate record of the meeting. Carried |
Resolution 2024/19 Moved: Cr Kerry Bellringer Seconded: Cr Murray Cox That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting. The general subject matter of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:
Carried |
Resolution 2024/20 Moved: Cr Kerry Bellringer Seconded: Mayor Anne Munro That Council moves out of Closed Meeting into Open Meeting. Carried |
The Meeting closed at 11.53am with a closing karakia from the Mayor.
The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Ordinary Council Meeting held on