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Unconfirmed MINUTES



Fairlie Community Board Meeting


25 January 2024




Fairlie Community Board Meeting Minutes                     25 January 2024

MINUTES OF Mackenzie District Council
Fairlie Community Board Meeting
Council Chambers, Fairlie
Thursday, 25 January 2024 AT 4.30pm


PRESENT:                    Chairperson Angela Habraken, Damon Smith, Kieran Guiney (online), Cr Murray Cox

IN ATTENDANCE:      Chief Executive Angela Oosthuizen, Community Services Officers Craig Motley and Rachel Carr, Engineering Manager Ashley McLachlan, Governance Advisor Arlene Goss and three members of the public

1               Opening

The chairperson opened the meeting.

2               Apologies

Committee Resolution  FCB/2024/214

Moved:       Chairperson Angela Habraken

Seconded:  Member Damon Smith

That the apologies received from member Holly Lane, Mayor Anne Munro, Cr Phillipa Guerin and general manager David Adamson be accepted and leave of absence granted.


3               Public FOrum

Jim Allan asked to speak. He was a former council employee and now a member of the ratepayers group. He apologised on behalf of two other members who were unable to attend.

He raised the issue of a stormwater drain on Denmark Street which has overloaded in recent floods. A new subdivision was put in and he did not believe the stormwater system had been built correctly.

He asked for an update on the new public toilets for Fairlie, and the new water treatment plant being built at Kimbell. He also noticed some pipes lying near the cemetery gates and wondered if another subdivision was planned in this area.

Engineering manager Ashley McLachlan replied to Mr Allan. Regarding the stormwater system he said this was designed by expert consultants and if they get it wrong they pay to make it right. Regarding the new water treatment plant, it was being built to a fixed price of $7.5 million. The new toilets were going ahead soon, and yes there was a new subdivision going in near the cemetery.

4               Declarations Of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

5               Reports

5.1           Minutes of Fairlie Community Board Meeting - 14 December 2023

Committee Resolution  FCB/2024/215

Moved:       Cr Murray Cox

Seconded:  Chairperson Angela Habraken

1.        That the Minutes of the Fairlie Community Board Meeting held on Thursday 14 December 2023 be received and confirmed as an accurate record of the meeting.



5.2           Community Board Financial Report

Committee Resolution  FCB/2024/216

Moved:       Chairperson Angela Habraken

Seconded:  Cr Murray Cox

That the community board financial report be received.



5.3           Engineer's Report

The purpose of this report was to provide the community board with a general information on

engineering activities in the Fairlie area. Engineering manager Ashley McLachlan went through the information in his report. He was asked to include the new subdivision on his list of developments in future.


5.4           Parks, Facilities and Places Report

The purpose of this report was to provide the Fairlie Community Board with a general update on

projects and activities related to parks, public facilities and places in the Fairlie area. Craig Motley went through the highlights of his report, including the following:

·       A new waste station was planned for the traffic island opposite the bakehouse.

·       A Japanese sign on the new waste stations needed a correction.

·       New seats have been ordered.

·       Maintenance work on the Peace Trees starts on February 19th.


Member Damon Smith asked questions about the Fairlie swimming pool. Was the pool leaking? No, the pool needs re-sealing at the end of the season, but there were two layers of seal and the second seal underneath was holding the water. The chairperson noted that pool staff had been topping up the pool with water so Mr Motley said he would check on this.



5.5           General Business and Councillor Update

The community board were updated on recent council activity, including workshops to consider Long-Term Plan budgets. The LTP consultation document would be out for public view in April.

Council workshops would be opened to the public from March.

Following discussion, the community board asked for updates on major projects such as the new water treatment plant to be included on the agenda.


5.6           Community Board Action List

Fairlie Dog Park – The Men’s Shed was to invoice council for $1,000 to pay for dog park equipment.

Peace Trees – Work begins on February 19.

Interpretation Panels – Assign this action to Rachel Carr. The sign with the QR code has been ordered.

McLeans Park furniture – A member of the public has offered to donate wood but the community board would need to pay someone to make the furniture. Mr Motley offered to contact him and come back to the next meeting with options for building the furniture.


5.7           Public Excluded Minutes of Fairlie Community Board Meeting - 14 December 2023

Committee Resolution  FCB/2024/215

Moved:       Chairperson Angela Habraken

Seconded:  Member Damon Smith

1.        That the public excluded minutes of the Fairlie Community Board Meeting held on Thursday 14 December 2023 be received and confirmed as an accurate record of the meeting.



The Meeting closed at 5.28pm.