Notice is given of a Tekapo Community Board Meeting to be held on:
Date: |
Monday, 22 January 2024 |
Time: |
3.30pm |
Location: |
Tekapo Community Hall Lounge Lake Tekapo |
Tekapo Community Board Meeting
22 January 2024
Note: This meeting will be digitally recorded by the minute-taker .
Tekapo Community Board Membership:
Steve Howes (Chair)
Caroll Simcox
Sharron Binns
Stephanie Hagen
Matt Murphy
Tekapo Community Board Meeting Agenda 22 January 2024
5.1 Minutes of Tekapo Community Board Meeting - 27 November 2023
5.2 Community Board Financial Report
5.3 Tekapo Community Board Engineer's Report
5.4 General Business and Councillor Update
5.5 Community Board Action List
5.1 Minutes of Tekapo Community Board Meeting - 27 November 2023
Author: Arlene Goss, Governance Advisor
Attachments: 1. Minutes of Tekapo Community Board Meeting - 27 November 2023
1. That the Minutes of the Tekapo Community Board Meeting held on Monday 27 November 2023 be received and confirmed as an accurate record of the meeting. |
Tekapo Community Board Meeting Minutes 27 November 2023
Unconfirmed MINUTES
Tekapo Community Board Meeting
27 November 2023
MINUTES OF Mackenzie District Council
Community Board Meeting
Community Hall Lounge, Lake Tekapo
ON Monday, 27
November 2023 AT 3.00pm
PRESENT: Deputy Chairperson Caroll Simcox, Member Sharron Binns, Member Stephanie Hagen, Cr Matt Murphy
IN ATTENDANCE: Angela Oosthuizen (Chief Executive), Craig Motley, Tom O’Neill and Rachael Carr (Community Parks and Facilities officers), Governance Advisor Arlene Goss, Anne Relling from Xyst, Ashley McLachlan (Engineering Manager), and members of the public Roy Callow, Jim Stocker and Prue Blake.
1 Opening
The deputy chairperson declared the meeting open and asked everyone to introduce themselves.
2 Apologies
Apologies were received from Mayor Anne Munro and chairman Steve Howes.
3 Public FOrum
Prue Blake spoke in support of her application for funding towards the sculpture walk. This was an event that happened last year and is being planned again. She showed a map of where the sculpture art would go this time. They are asking for $3,000 funding to run the event. They also had sponsors and commitments from businesses to assist.
Questions were asked about the financial process, especially related to the sale of sculptures and commissions on this. Member Stephanie Hagen asked about who would pay tax on the commissions. There was further discussion on various matters and Prue Blake was thanked for attending.
Roy Callow spoke about the proposed wallaby fence through Tekapo. He said he spoke to someone from Environment Canterbury and was worried about the location of the fence near his property. He would like to ensure a track is kept open. He was also concerned about a fire risk in an area behind his property.
Cr Matt Murphy explained the current situation with the wallaby fence. Ecan was planning to put out their plan for the fence location to the community so people could provide feedback.
The community board would like to let people know when this consultation takes place.
Jim Stocker said he was annoyed that the minutes/notes of the last few meetings were not published more widely. They are currently available on the council website but Mr Stocker did not have access to this. Member Sharron Binns said she has been submitting them to the Fairlie Accessible. The chief executive suggested he phone the council and make a service request for the minutes he has not seen.
Other matters raised by Mr Stocker:
4 Declarations Of Interest
Cr Murphy declared an interest in the grant application from the Mackenzie County Scholarship Trust. He is the chair of that trust. He would not vote on that item.
5 Reports
5.1 Minutes of Tekapo Community Board Meeting - 27 September 2023 |
Committee Resolution TKCB/2023/217 Moved: Cr Matt Murphy Seconded: Member Stephanie Hagen 1. That the Minutes of the Tekapo Community Board Meeting held on Wednesday 27 September 2023 be received and confirmed as an accurate record of the meeting. Carried |
5.2 Community Board Financial Report |
The report was received and there were no questions. |
5.3 Grant Applications |
The purpose of this report was for the Tekapo Community Board to consider and approve or decline two grant applications. Mackenzie Country Scholarship Trust – Cr Murphy declared an interest. Sharon Binns asked about how the scholarships were distributed. This was based on how candidates were scored at the interview. The criteria of the community board grant was that the money had to promote Tekapo. Cr Murphy provided a history of the trust and the work it does. Interviews were held last week and the candidates were of very high quality. The reason for the grant application was that over the last few years the fund was not sustainable, so the trust decided to go out privately and ask for sponsorship. Sculpture Walk – Stephanie Hagen was not comfortable with the financial situation of it being a profit making exercise, and suggested supporting the sculpture walk in other ways, for example buying a sculpture for the community. Sharron Binns said the town needed events like this. The application asked for money for marketing. Could the community board pay for some specific items instead? Cr Murphy was happy to support. Financial difficulties are up to them to sort out, not the responsibility of the community board. He would like to pick out some tangible items to pay for. For example the printing of the catalogue, signs and information board. · Information board $875 · Production of signs $600 · Printing of catalogue $1000 The community board would like the event to come back with final costs for these things and a report on how the event benefitted the community. They would also like to be acknowledged on the back of the catalogue. |
Committee Resolution TKCB/2023/218 Moved: Member Stephanie Hagen Seconded: Member Sharron Binns 1. That the report be received. 2. That the Tekapo Community Board approves the request from the Mackenzie County Scholarship Trust Board for $1,000 towards a student scholarship, and requests reimbursement from Council. Carried Cr Murphy did not vote. |
Committee Resolution TKCB/2023/219 Moved: Cr Matt Murphy Seconded: Member Stephanie Hagen 3. That the Tekapo Community Board approves funding the request from the Tekapo Promotions and Business Association to the amount of $2475, towards the Lake Tekapo Sculpture Walk. 4. That the Tekapo Promotions and Business Association is asked to report back to the community board on how the money was spent and the benefits to the community, and that the community board is mentioned as a sponsor of the event. Carried |
5.4 Tekapo Community Board Engineers Report |
The purpose of this report was to provide the Community Board with a general information on Engineering activities in the Tekapo area. Ashley McLachlan went through the contents of his report. Member of the public Jim Stocker asked if there was any provision for a long vehicle carpark in Tekapo. The community board was currently working through a master plan process which would include parking. |
5.5 Parks, Facilities and Places Update |
The purpose of this report was to provide the Tekapo Community Board with a general update on projects and activities related to the Tekapo area. Craig Motley said he has not been able to determine who crashed their vehicle into the public toilets, meaning council was left to pay for the damage. Anne Relling from Xyst spoke about the plans attached to the agenda for a toilet and shelter at the start of the Alps2Ocean trail at Hamilton Drive. Comments from the community board members included the following: · The design is good. · Is the structure too large for the area? · It’s future proofing the area. · Needs to be funded with money currently held, not future funding. · Maintenance costs of toilets to be considered. · Does it need that number of picnic tables? · May be able to stage the project. · This is a mobile trader area and this was a good set up for people to buy from mobile traders. · The toilets would take pressure off the township. · This would mean more people crossing the highway to take photos on the side of the lake. · Should the public be asked for feedback on the design? · There is a high point in the vicinity that could be used to encourage people to take photos from a high vantage point rather than cross the road. · A member would like a look similar to the current bus shelter. Less of a hydro look. · Was there a need for public engagement? Craig Motley suggested giving the public different options in terms of size of the structure, and look. The community board said just put it out and ask people what they think. · Cr Murphy said he was of the view that the community board could approve this small piece of infrastructure without going out for public consultation. · Craig Motley suggested a representative from the community board be involved in the tendering process. Fire break mitigation – Tom O’Neill updated the community board on fire mitigation work. Picnic tables – the community board asked staff to bolt them down so they cannot be moved. The community board has provided a map of locations. Tom O’Neill to confirm location by email. Naming policies are currently with the manawhenua. A new plan of the Lakeside Drive playground was discussed. Don’t include a sandpit, the wind would blow the sand out, and animals will poo in it. The community board agreed with the new plan. |
Committee Resolution TKCB/2023/220 Moved: Member Stephanie Hagen Seconded: Cr Matt Murphy That the Tekapo Community Board recommends to council that staff move ahead with tendering for a toilet and shelter at the start of the Alps2Ocean trail at Hamilton Drive, in line with the concept plan that has been attached to the community board agenda. Carried |
5.6 Long Term Plan Priorities for Tekapo |
The purpose of this report was for the community board to consider its long-term priorities and submit them towards the Long Term Plan process. David Adamson asked if rabbit control or fencing was a priority of the community board. The community board asked to add this to the list. |
5.7 General Business and Councillor Update |
Letter from Colin McLaren – The community board noted that some of his comments were misinformed. Ecan did a substantial amount of public consultation. This was not a community board issue. The board has responded to the regional park management plan. Chairman Steve Howes has sent the management plan to Mr McLaren. Continuation of footpath – Cr Murphy showed the location of a path on the map that he asked could be improved. Ashley McLachlan said this would be added to the Long Term Plan. Would also need to talk to DOC about this area. Amenity planting on roadside – Cr Murphy would like to see planting on roadsides similar to what has happened on Lochinvar. A good idea but need trees to be maintained and watered. Subdivision standards do include tree planting. The community board discussed walking around and finding places to plant trees. This would be an appropriate use of the township budget. Community board to decide on locations. Overflow camping at Lakeside Drive playground – David Adamson offered to look into this further. The compliance officer would be asked to have a talk to the campground manager about this. |
5.8 Community Board Action List |
Carpark marking is done but leave it on the list because it needs doing regularly. Gravel pull off area – will be addressed when the cycleway comes through there. Trying to get funding from Waka Kotahi towards this project. CCTV Project – assign this to Ashley McLachlan. Funding in place. Cr Murphy encouraged the community board members to submit their views to the district plan review. |
The Meeting closed at 5.24pm.
The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Tekapo Community Board Meeting held on 22 January 2024.
5.2 Community Board Financial Report
Author: Jo Hurst, Management Accountant
Authoriser: Sandy Hogg, Manager - Finance
Attachments: 1. Financial Report to
December 2023 ⇩
That the community board financial report be received. |
Attached is the latest community board financial report for your information.
5.3 Tekapo Community Board Engineer's Report
Author: Ashley McLachlan, Manager - Engineering
Authoriser: David Adamson, GM, Operations, Planning and Regulatory Services
Attachments: 1. Minister of Local
Government to Mayor Munro Mackenzie District Council ⇩
Purpose of Report
The purpose of this report is to provide the Community Board with a general information on
Engineering activities in the Tekapo area.
1. That the Engineering Managers +report be received. |
Engineering Manager Overview
Over the peak season we have seen our wastewater and water supply networks reaching their capacities, while the popular gravel roads are showing signs of high usage.
Our teams have been busy with service requests, managing the high demand and working on their Asset Management Plans and Long-Term Plan budgets.
Advertising has continued for the Roading Officer role. The Roading Administrator role has been filled with two part time positions, with some Roading Officer deliverables included.
Three Waters Transition
The new minister for Local Government Simeon Brown has written to Mayor Anne Munro. A copy of his letter is attached. In summary the Minister plans to:
Repeal of the previous government’s water services legislation
Replace it with Local Water Done Well, with the key principals:
· Introducing greater central government oversight, economic and quality regulation
· Fit-for-purpose service delivery models and financing tools, such as improving the current council-controlled organisation model and developing a new class of financially separate council-owned organisation.
· Setting rules for water services and infrastructure investment.
· Ensuring water services are financially sustainable. Financial sustainability means revenue sufficiency, balance sheet separation, ring-fencing, and funding for growth.
There have been no fails with any of the water testing carried out.
No outstanding service request Whitestone are dealing with them all in a timely manner. The water usage over the district has been higher than is normal which has been to the lack of rain in parts of the district.
There has been one notification of odour coming from the sewerage ponds in Tekapo. There was a southerly wind blowing on that day. There was no obvious reason for the odour. Another aerator may need to be added to the ponds to encourage improve the biological health of the ponds.
No storm water issues reported.
The Tekapo carpark received additional chip spreading to assist with the bleeding issues from the continuous heat. See below images.
The signage amendments in the Tekapo car park have been made.
Stage One of the cycle trail leading to Edwards Stream is making good progress towards completion and Stage Two is underway from Edwards Stream to Dog Kennel Corner.
Development Engineering
Private Developments in Progress
The T3 Development in Tekapo off Lakeside Drive alternative designs for 3 waters infrastructure (60 apartments and 3 homes). All works on Hold. We are progressing enforcement options to ensure erosion and sediment controls are maintained.
5.4 General Business and Councillor Update
Author: Arlene Goss, Governance Advisor
Attachments: 1. Email from Tekapo
Trails ⇩
That the information be noted. |
General Business
1. Tekapo Trails have asked to attend the meeting to discuss the items in the attached email.
2. The chairman asked for the following matters to be discussed under general business:
a) Schedule for mowing & maintenance (including Barbara Hay Reserve & Lake Tekapo Cemetery). Please can MDC provide a mowing schedule to assist in understanding which areas around the township are mowed and how often.
b) Tidy up on Lakes edge (SH8 side) of residue remaining from felling of Willow Trees some time ago. A resident in Lake Tekapo has asked whether it is possible for a tidy up operation to be carried out while the lake levels are low and access is possible. The residue remains from willow trees that were felled a number of years ago and never cleaned up.
3. Council’s representative on the community board, Cr Matt Murphy, is invited to update the members on recent council activity.
5.5 Community Board Action List
Author: Arlene Goss, Governance Advisor
Attachments: 1. Tekapo Action List ⇩
That the information be noted. |
This is for information only.