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Monday, 22 January 2024




Tekapo Community Hall Lounge

Lake Tekapo




Late Item


Tekapo Community Board Meeting


22 January 2024





Note: This meeting will be digitally recorded by the minute-taker .

Tekapo Community Board Meeting Agenda                    22 January 2024

Order Of Business

1         Reports. 3

1.1           Parks, Facilities and Places Update. 3


Tekapo Community Board Meeting Agenda                    22 January 2024

1            Reports

1.1           Parks, Facilities and Places Update


Author:                        Craig Motley, Manager - Public Facilities, Parks and Places

Authoriser:                 David Adamson, GM, Operations, Planning and Regulatory Services

Attachments:            Nil



Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to provide the Tekapo Community Board with a general update on projects and activities related to the Tekapo area.


Staff Recommendations

That the Parks, Facilities and Places report be received.


Hamilton drive Shelter & Toilet

Based on feedback from the last meeting staff are working towards letting a tender for this work. We would like a Community Board member to be put forward to sit on our tender evaluation committee. Currently the resource consent is being processed and following that we will move into the procurement phase with an aim to go to tender by late February.

Fire Break/Fire Mitigation

Staff continue to work with FENZ, the MDC forestry team, property developers, and the community on various projects to mitigate the risk of wildfire around the Lake Tekapo Township.

This work will be ongoing over the next several months.

Township Furniture

The drinking fountain for the Tekapo Central Playground and Domain was installed just prior to Christmas and appears to be being well utilised.

The installation of the new Township Waste Station at the mobile trading/campervan service site on Lakeside Drive is scheduled and will take place when parts arrive.


A draft “District Wide Parks, Reserves & Public Places Naming Policy” has been sent to Mana Whenua for consultation. The Community Boards contributions to date are acknowledged and will be incorporated into this policy where possible. Once complete, the policy will be sent to the Council for a workshop, and to be adopted but at this stage there has been no further progress.


The Tekapo Trails society have made a submission to the LTP process to form a trail stretching from the peninsula, up to the Lake Alexandrina outlet and then back towards the Southern Huts before crossing across Balmoral station. This is supported in principle by MDC staff. One of the conditions of use of Balmoral station from the owners is that a toilet be placed somewhere on the trail. It will be subject to the LTP budget and approval processes.


Project Scope

A new playground is planned for the lakeshore on Lakeside Drive in Tekapo to replace the old playground which is at the end of its life. Care has been taken to include some inclusive play items with the carousel being fully accessible for all and the basket swing allows some inclusive use. Further to this the paths to be developed will be of an easy gradient and have suitable surfacing, and lead to an entrance into the playground itself with no obstacles. Rubber surfacing will be used for the carousel and swing set to ensure there is no issue to these inclusive play items being accessed by all.


Nature play, such as balance logs and boulders have been incorporated into the landscaping to further the play opportunities. Picnic tables will also be provided to encourage families to stop for a while and let parents enjoy the lake views while their kids play. Planting appropriate to this site will soften the edges and a few trees will eventually supply some shade.


Currently the resource consent is being processed and following that we will move into the procurement phase.


Project Update

The Lakeside Drive replacement playground has been re-sited at a higher ground level to avoid any risk of inundation and achieve minimum level for siting infrastructure as recommended by Genesis. As the new site is flat the earlier embankment slide that took advantage of the contours has been swapped out for a standalone double slide with ladder. This created a cost saving and the option of other items have now been included which would work well at this site. All other playground equipment selected for the previous site works equally well on the higher ground i.e. fully accessible carousel, swing set and large climbing frame.


Additionally, an investigation has been made recently into the current playground, after one of our contractors reported potential hazards. As a result of this we will shortly be removing the swings, tractor and elephant because they don’t meet current playground standards. It is possible the elephant may be able to be used in another playground at a future date with some slight modifications, but the tractor is unfortunately beyond its use by date. Because the new playground will be in place within the next 6 months we do not intend to replace the removed play equipment which would be a significant extra cost.