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Notice is given of a Fairlie Community Board Meeting to be held on:



Thursday, 25 January 2024




Council Chambers







Fairlie Community Board Meeting


25 January 2024





Note: This meeting will be digitally recorded by the minute-taker .

Fairlie Community Board Membership:  

Angela Habraken (Chair)

Damon Smith

Holly Lane

Kieran Guiney

Murray Cox


Fairlie Community Board Meeting Agenda                      25 January 2024

Order Of Business

1         Opening. 5

2         Apologies. 5

3         Public Forum... 5

4         Declarations Of Interest. 5

5         Reports. 6

5.1           Minutes of Fairlie Community Board Meeting - 14 December 2023. 6

5.2           Community Board Financial Report. 15

5.3           Engineer's Report. 17

5.4           Parks, Facilities and Places Report. 24

5.5           General Business and Councillor Update. 26

5.6           Community Board Action List. 27

6         Public Excluded. 33

6.1           Minutes of Public Excluded Fairlie Community Board Meeting - 14 December 2023. 33


1            Opening

2            Apologies

3            Public Forum

4            Declarations Of Interest

Fairlie Community Board Meeting Agenda                      25 January 2024

5            Reports

5.1           Minutes of Fairlie Community Board Meeting - 14 December 2023


Author:                        Arlene Goss, Governance Advisor


Attachments:            1.        Minutes of Fairlie Community Board Meeting - 14 December 2023   




1.        That the Minutes of the Fairlie Community Board Meeting held on Thursday 14 December 2023 be received and confirmed as an accurate record of the meeting.



Fairlie Community Board Meeting Minutes                14 December 2023


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Unconfirmed MINUTES



Fairlie Community Board Meeting


14 December 2023



MINUTES OF Mackenzie District Council
Fairlie Community Board Meeting
Council Chambers, Fairlie
Thursday, 14 December 2023 AT 4.30pm


PRESENT:                    Chairperson Angela Habraken, Holly Lane, Kieran Guiney, Cr Murray Cox

IN ATTENDANCE:      Mayor Anne Munro, Cr Phillipa Guerin, General Manager David Adamson, Utilities Manager Geoff Horler, Community Services Officers Craig Motley, Tom O’Neill and Rachel Carr, Governance Advisor Arlene Goss.

1               Opening

The chairperson opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.

2               Apologies

Apologies were received from member Damon Smith, chief executive Angela Oosthuizen, and resident Suzanne Blyth.

3               Public FOrum

There was no public forum.

4               Declarations Of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

5               Reports

5.1           Minutes of Fairlie Community Board Meeting - 28 September 2023

The community board approved the minutes with the inclusion of the feedback from Richard Willis, who spoke in the public forum at the last meeting.

Committee Resolution  FCB/2023/204

Moved:       Chairperson Angela Habraken

Seconded:  Member Kieran Guiney

1.        That the Minutes of the Fairlie Community Board Meeting held on Thursday 28 September 2023 be received and confirmed as an accurate record of the meeting.




5.2           Community Board Financial Report

Committee Resolution  FCB/2023/205

Moved:       Member Holly Lane

Seconded:  Cr Murray Cox

That the community board financial report be received.




5.3           Grant Applications

It was noted that the Hamilton Jet display was already open. The governance advisor has received an email from the applicant asking to change her application to a grant for the promotion of the display, rather than the opening of the display.

The community board noted it had carried forward $650 from the year before. This money was put towards these grants.

Committee Resolution  FCB/2023/206

Moved:       Chairperson Angela Habraken

Seconded:  Member Holly Lane

1.    That a grant of $250 be approved to the  Mackenzie Heritage Museum towards the promotion of the new Hamilton Jet display.

2.    That a grant of $250 be approved to the  Mackenzie Heritage Museum towards the event “Christmas at the Museum”.

3.    That a grant of $250 be approved to the  Mackenzie Heritage Museum towards the cost of advertising the museum’s New Year’s Day parade.

4.    That a grant of $250 be approved to the  Mackenzie Community Enhancement Board towards the purchase of a ten foot Christmas tree.

5.    That a grant of $250 be approved to the  Mackenzie District Local History Archive towards the purchase of a reconditioned laptop.




5.4           Long Term Plan Priorities for Fairlie

The purpose of this report was for the community board to consider its long-term priorities and submit them towards the Long Term Plan process.

Cr Cox asked how these suggestions fitted into the other priorities and projects of council. David Adamson said councillors would need to remove their local hat and put on their council hat during deliberations, and work out what fits into the overall strategy.

Discussion took place on some projects, such as a proposed pedestrian bridge across the river at Allandale. This should be fully funded by Waka Kotahi but would still be included in the long term plan. The community board would like this to be a priority for the community.

Cr Guerin updated the community board on the Stoneleigh Road forestry reserve project. A discussion has been held with the council’s forest managers. Members of the public will be able to have access to the monument at the top of the hill. An MOU was being drawn up with the help of the Kimbell Residents Association. Planting would be done next season, into the autumn. This area would become a permanent forest. This would be a work in progress. It was noted that this would not cost $200,000 as mentioned in the document.

Was the word ‘replacement’ correct for the playground on the village green in the long term priorities. The community board changed the work replacement to rejuvenate.

Committee Resolution  FCB/2023/207

Moved:       Member Kieran Guiney

Seconded:  Chairperson Angela Habraken

1.        That the report be received.

2.        That the Fairlie Community Board requests that Council receives its priorities and incorporates them into the 2024 Long Term Plan, with an amendment to remove the $200,000 cost listed against the Stonleigh Reserve project.




5.5           Fairlie Community Board Engineer's Report

The purpose of this report was to provide the community board with general information on

engineering activities in the Fairlie area. David Adamson spoke to this report on behalf of Ashley McLachlan, who was away sick.


He updated the members on the central government direction of three waters and the RMA legislation. Although the new government was repealing legislation, there was no word yet on what it would be replaced with.


He then went through the highlights of the report. Regarding the Fairlie sewage/dump station project, Mr Adamson provided some background on this issue. He said this was two projects rolled into one. The first project was to upgrade the area used currently by septic tank trucks to offload sewage. The second was to introduce a site for campervans to discharge black water.


Combining these projects onto the same site was the most efficient way to do both. This was a council decision, not a community board decision, but he was asking the community board to recommend a way forward to council.


Noting the concern that campervans would create a dust nuisance, Mr Adamson said the seal widening programme would include Talbot Road and this would mitigate the dust. He also did not believe the number of campervans using the dump station would be large. He was concerned that council would lose government tourism infrastructure funding if it did not go forward soon with this project.


Questions from the community board included:

1.      Has Council already purchased the land shown in fig 1 on page 50 of the agenda? No. If this option was chosen it would require a purchase of land and a subdivision cost.  

2.      How would tourists find this location? It would be listed on apps used by tourists, and would be signposted.

3.      Would this facility include water and rubbish facilities? Yes to water. Not sure yet about rubbish. There is room for it and a user-pay skip on site.

4.      What about bad behaviour? There is CCTV already at the site already.


A letter from resident Suzanne Blyth was circulated before the meeting and was tabled at the meeting. A copy is available as an attachment to these minutes.


David Adamson went through the points raised in the letter and responded to them. He said the biggest issues raised by residents have been potential traffic generation and dust. Traffic would be monitored. A number of campervans already stayed overnight at the golf club. Mr Adamson anticipated the number of additional vehicles would be no more than one or two vehicles per hour.


He believed the project was in line with the goals of the destination management plan, Te Manahuna ki uta, and other policies mentioned in the letter. It also improved the environmental impact of campervans on the district by directing their waste to the appropriate facility. He said this site was the best option for long term operational costs and reliability. Dust was mainly a wind issue, and was also caused by milk tankers and other trucks using the road several times a day.


The community board would like to make sure that the situation was monitored so concerns could be addressed. A requirement to monitor the traffic was added to the resolution below.


Utilities manager Geoff Horler said he had spoken to resident Richard Willis since the last meeting and listened to his concerns.


The chairperson said this was the best option, as long as traffic was monitored. Mr Adamson suggested using a traffic counter several times over different seasons to get an appreciation of traffic movements at different times of the year.


When would this decision go before Council? At the January council meeting.

How would the community be advised it was going ahead? It would be in the public agenda.

A press release could also go out or the Mayor could include it in her column.

Committee Resolution  FCB/2023/208

Moved:       Chairperson Angela Habraken

Seconded:  Cr Murray Cox

1.        That the Engineering Managers report be received.

2.        That the Fairlie Community Board recommends to Council that the preferred Fairlie Septic Sewage reception facility be located on the wastewater site already owned by Council with the condition that monitoring is carried out and the results are reported back to the community board six monthly over a two year period. 



                 Parks, Facilities and Places Update

The purpose of this report was to provide the Fairlie Community Board with a general update on

projects and activities related to Parks, Public Facilities and Places in the Fairlie area.

The governance advisor apologised that this report was accidentally left out of the agenda. It was tabled at the meeting and a copy is available as an attachment to these minutes. Staff Craig Motley, Rachel Carr and Tom O’Neill joined the table. The contents of the report were outlined and a resolution was passed to buy and refurbish town furniture (as below).

Committee Resolution  FCB/2023/209

Moved:       Chairperson Angela Habraken

Seconded:  Member Kieran Guiney

1.        That the report on the Fairlie parks, facilities and public places be received.

2.        That the community board approves spending $7,565 from the Community Board’s Township Projects Budget to purchase two new picnic tables and one seat. And also the additional costs to refurbish three existing picnic tables at Denmark Street and one in Albury.




5.6           General Business and Councillor Update

McLeans Park furniture – No action yet. Timber for this is currently in the ageing process.

Dog Park seat and plaque to acknowledge Les Blacklock – The community board viewed two suggestions for a plaque. They preferred the second of the two options. Cost $140 for an A6 stainless steel plaque. A resolution was passed (below).

Councillor Update - Cr Cox updated the community board on recent council activity. Most work has been around the Long Term Plan and District Plan Review. Council has passed the new freedom camping bylaw. There are some changes for camping at Lake Opuha, in that campers must be self-contained and are limited to three days. Freedom camping ambassadors will be monitoring the camping over summer. Cr Cox answered questions about the new bylaw.

He has also been involved in work on a climate change strategy, which council will take to the community for feedback next year.

Committee Resolution  FCB/2023/210

Moved:       Chairperson Angela Habraken

Seconded:  Member Holly Lane

That the Fairlie Community Board agrees to buy an A6 stainless steel plaque for the new dog park to recognise former chairman Les Blacklock, at a cost of $140.




5.7           Community Board Action List

Furniture for dog park – still with the men’s shed. They need to send an invoice for the money. Member Keiran Guiney said he will follow up.

Shade sail – remove from action list. Will reactivate this action if the group comes back to the community board for help.

Community centre – maintenance completed. Remove from list. The curtains in the storage area are rotten and need replacing. This area is used by Mackenzie Theatre Group and needs a clean up. Send them a reminder to clean the area.

Village green enhancements – Remove from list.

Stonleigh Road forestry reserve – Referred to council. Remove from list.

Signage – projects underway. Swimming sign at Opihi River needs a QR code with “check before you swim” that links to the latest information on the website regarding swimming water quality.

Frisbee golf  – not suitable for McLeans Park. Tom O’Neill suggested using un-used land at the back of Strathconan Park. This project needs to come from the community. A community member needs to drive this if it’s popular. Remove from list.

Communication – remove from list

Hayes Road toilet – toilet is still there. Remove from list.



6               Public Excluded


Committee Resolution  FCB/2023/211

Moved:       Chairperson Angela Habraken

Seconded:  Cr Murray Cox

That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject matter of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under section 48 for the passing of this resolution

6.1 - Fairlie Public Toilet - Design Review

s7(2)(b)(ii) - the withholding of the information is necessary to protect information where the making available of the information would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information

s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7




Committee Resolution  FCB/2023/212

Moved:       Chairperson Angela Habraken

Seconded:  Member Holly Lane

That the community board meeting moves out of public excluded into open meeting.



The Meeting closed at 6.33pm.

The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at the Fairlie Community Board Meeting held on 25 January 2024.





Fairlie Community Board Meeting Agenda                      25 January 2024

5.2           Community Board Financial Report


Author:                        Jo Hurst, Management Accountant

Authoriser:                 General Manager Corporate Services, General Manager Corporate Services

Attachments:            1.        Fairlie Financial Report  



Staff Recommendations

That the community board financial report be received.



Attached is the latest community board financial report for your information.








Fairlie Community Board Meeting                                      25 January 2024

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Fairlie Community Board Meeting Agenda                      25 January 2024

5.3           Engineer's Report


Author:                        Ashley McLachlan, Manager - Engineering

Authoriser:                 David Adamson, GM, Operations, Planning and Regulatory Services

Attachments:            1.        Minister of Local Government to Mayor Munro Mackenzie District Council  



Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to provide the Community Board with a general information on

Engineering activities in the Fairlie area.


Staff Recommendations

1.        That the Engineering Managers report be received.


1.    Engineering Manager Overview

1.1 Summary

Over the peak season we have seen some of our wastewater and water supply networks reaching their capacities, while the popular gravel roads are showing signs of high usage.

Our teams have been busy with service requests, managing the high demand and working on their Asset Management Plans and Long-Term Plan budgets.

1.2 Personnel

Advertising has continued for the Roading Officer role.  The Roading Administrator role has been filled with two part time positions, with some Roading Officer deliverables included.

1.3 Three Waters Transition

The new Minister for Local Government Simeon Brown has written to Mayor Anne Munro.  A copy of his letter is attached.  In summary the Minister plans to:

·    Repeal of the previous government’s water services legislation

·    Replace it with Local Water Done Well, with the key principals:

Introducing greater central government oversight, economic and quality regulation

Fit-for-purpose service delivery models and financing tools, such as improving the current council-controlled organisation model and developing a new class of financially separate council-owned organisation.

Setting rules for water services and infrastructure investment.

Ensuring water services are financially sustainable. Financial sustainability means revenue sufficiency, balance sheet separation, ring-fencing, and funding for growth.



2.1 Water:

·    There have been no failed water samples since the last report.

·    No outstanding service requests.  Whitestone are dealing with them all in a timely manner. The water usage over the district has been higher than is normal which has been due to the lack of rain in parts of the district. This has led to water restrictions in some supplies.

·    The construction of the two reservoirs at the new Fairlie Treatment Plant is nearing thier completion. They will stand at 9.6 metres. Work will soon start on the construction of the building foundations. The site was shut down over the Christmas period.

A large black tank outside

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2.2 Wastewater

·    No wastewater issues reported.

2.3 Stormwater

·    No storm water issues reported.


·    Dig outs on Mt Michael Road and Cannington to start in January.

·    Road Markers will be in the district from mid-January.

·    Culvert inspections are scheduled to start.

·    Maintenance metalling progressing well currently 57% of the program completed as of end of 2023.

3     Development Engineering

3.2 Private Developments in Progress

·    Morelea Farms Limited subdivision in Clayton Road Fairlie, (2 lots)

·    Cayton Road /SH79

·    15/17 Gray Street -

·    O Neils Road



Fairlie Community Board Meeting                                      25 January 2024

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Fairlie Community Board Meeting Agenda                      25 January 2024

5.4           Parks, Facilities and Places Report


Author:                        Craig Motley, Manager - Public Facilities, Parks and Places

Authoriser:                 David Adamson, GM, Operations, Planning and Regulatory Services

Attachments:             Nil




Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to provide the Fairlie Community Board with a general update on

projects and activities related to Parks, Public Facilities and Places in the Fairlie area.


Staff Recommendations

1.        That the report be received.


action and projects update

Fairlie Cemetery Memorial Wall

The Memorial Wall bookings are now being managed by Council and any enquiries should be directed to Customer services or the PFPP team.

New Public Toilet

Installation of the public toilet in the Village Green remains delayed from the original programme but some progress has been made and we expect to see construction started before the end of the financial year.

Township Waste Stations:

·    Two of the three waste stations have been installed and we are just doing some further planning about the base of the third to be located across from the bakehouse.


Updates on Village Enhancements:

·    Seating – initial quotes have been received for seating and we anticipate these to arrive later in February and instalment after that.


Village Green Playground Shade Sails:

No further communications have been received.

Cemetery Land Purchase:

This has now been completed.

Peace Avenue Tree Works:

TreeTech will be onsite from 19th February to 1st March and then again from 11th-22nd March subject to weather. Main parts of work to be completed are reducing road overhang, epicormic growth (suckers), crown lifting and possibly 1 or 2 tree removals subject to health assessment. A communications plan is being developed and will be published through our usual channels.

Village Green Playground Shelter

At the last community board meeting the design for the Village Green shelter was rejected. It is requested that the Community Board discuss what they would like to do with the site of the old toilet block once it is decommissioned. 


Tree Work


After the last couple of wind events, we have recognised that some remedial tree work is required in some of our local parks. An arborist has been engaged to do assessments and remove some broken branches, hanging limbs, clear branches from near power lines and if recommended tree removal.

Fairlie Community Board Meeting Agenda                      25 January 2024

5.5           General Business and Councillor Update


Author:                        Arlene Goss, Governance Advisor


Attachments:            Nil



Staff Recommendations

That the information be noted.


General Business

General business can be raised at this part of the meeting.


Council’s representative on the community board, Cr Murray Cox, is invited to update the members on recent council activity.





Fairlie Community Board Meeting Agenda                      25 January 2024

5.6           Community Board Action List


Author:                        Arlene Goss, Governance Advisor


Attachments:            1.        Fairlie Action List  



Staff Recommendations

That the information be noted.



Attached is the latest version of the community board action list. These actions are updated by staff regularly.





Fairlie Community Board Meeting                                      25 January 2024

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Fairlie Community Board Meeting Agenda                      25 January 2024

6            Public Excluded  



That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.

The general subject matter of each matter to be considered while the public is excluded, the reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48 of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution are as follows:

General subject of each matter to be considered

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter

Ground(s) under section 48 for the passing of this resolution

6.1 - Minutes of Public Excluded Fairlie Community Board Meeting - 14 December 2023

s7(2)(b)(ii) - the withholding of the information is necessary to protect information where the making available of the information would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information

s48(1)(a)(i) - the public conduct of the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist under section 6 or section 7